Serving: those with Depression · those with Obsessive Personalities - Hoarders · the Chronically Ill · the Sight Impaired · the Elderly · the Divorced · the Burglarized · the Severely Depressed · those with AIDS/Cancer and other Long-Term Illnesses and Conditions · the Physically or Mentally Challenged · the Deceased.  

Bonded and Insured.

Our Products:
The cleaning products we use on the job site are at no charge to the customer, including the vacuum we bring along to use.  Of course, if the client would like us to use their cleaning products (due to allergies, environmental concerns, they believe their products perform better, etc.), we will be happy to use them.  We err on the green or EARTH-FRIENDLY side of life's equation in that we RECYCLE our cleaning towels and do not use disposable paper towels.  All towels are washed and sanitized.

Who we define as people with Special Needs ...

We define people/clients with special needs, not as people who want organizing or cleaning done in a certain way, but as the client themselves and how can we make their home "easier," more ordered, more methodized, more logical for them because of their mental or physical challenges/special needs.

Most of us don't like changes, but possibly moving a chair out of the pathway to the bathroom or removing a throw rug that might cause the client to trip and fall, or making a little more room for the wheelchair to get around the home, might help?.  "Clutter" can probably be defined in many different ways, and if clutter is in 'the way' of the client's getting around, that's not good.

We try to make our client's lives easier.  We're not always successful, but – always working with the client – we try.

People with special needs – for us – are not defined as to what the client wants us to do but by the nature of the client themselves, who they are and how they are.  We 'organize' using the client's own unique existing system and logic regarding where to place things, not imposing our own 'system' of organization. \ In this way we avoid situations where the client must call us repeatedly to locate their 'things.'

Also, we never tell you to buy anything additional to assist in your organizing needs.  We just use what you already have.  And then after we finish organization/cleaning of the rooms (with your assistance and input), we can then organize/clean your closets and then finally, if you wish, your cabinets and drawers contents, also with your assistance.

We try to accommodate peoples requests and needs.  If the windows are dirty and you can't see through them, if the client considers them 'fine' we don't do the windows!

A long time ago, we heard the answer to the question, "How do you treat a person with 'disabilities?" The answer: "Like a person."

Can we help you or someone you know?

IMPORTANT: Please telephone the office.  It is important for us to speak with you to answer any questions you may
have of us or we may have of you.  Please leave your telephone number if you get our voice mail.   (312) 332-5575



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